This is Growing Gaze

Cultivate your
garden with us.

We discuss about indoor plants.We give instructions on how to care for indoor plants and what not to do.Many people have a passion for gardening like yours but due to lack of proper information they can’t garden like they want. We are here to guide them on growing their indoor garden.

Our Story

My passion for gardening

Amidst the hustle of teaching and grading, I find sanctuary in my garden, a haven where the demands of education give way to the soothing symphony of nature. Pruners in hand, I escape the confines of lesson plans and assessments, immersing myself in the therapeutic rhythm of snipping away stress and monotony.

The garden, an inherited canvas from the previous owners, is a testament to my ever-evolving connection with the land. Buxus hedging, roses, and Cyprus create a formal dance of colors, but it’s the stories each plant holds that truly captivate me. An avocado tree, a birthday gift patiently waiting for its perfect spot, adds a touch of anticipation to the landscape.

Blog Posts

Can You Bring Your Houseplant Outside?(Complete Guide)

In this article, I will break down almost everything about bringing your plant outside. Click here to know the cons...

NERVE PLANT Care(Everything You Need To Know)

I'm going to be talking about the Fittonia, also known as the nerve plant. Nerve plants are a really great...

5 Quick Tips For Hoya Carnosa (I Wish I Had Known Before)

In this article we give you 5 quick tips on Hoyas, also known as wax plants or wax flower based...

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